Davide Tocchetto

agronomist, PhD in environmental agronomy 

What I'm doing here? 

My webpage is just an example of what I do.People tell me I am an agronomic contractor because I move when they call me, others say I am a volunteer since I move just for a travel reimbursement. Do you need something about farming, environment or treatment wetlands? May be I can help you to find a solution.

I am also a full professor at High School, an agricultural school.  I was been involved also in public and private sectors, UN Agencies, NGOs and research teams in different Universities in Italy and abroad. I like very much to talk at conferencies and seminars, write articles, ... and also hiking and bushcrafting in the Dolomites. 

I did some works somewhere :) .... and I had open projects in Iraq, Senegal, Gaza Strip, Europe, Ecuador, Algeria, Kenya, Brasil and maybe where you are ... if you decide to contact me now.

*°*°*°   L A T E S T      N E W S  *°*°*°

back from Baghdad...

excellent .... great days here in Iraq, moving from Basrah to Baghdad, dialing with the Minister of Water Resource, the Director of the National Archeological Museum with my friends and colleagues Jassim and Ali.  Our treatment wetland system works very well in removing sludge and pollution from the Marshland

Proud to be in Hamburg for the exhibition “WATER PRESSURE Designing for the Future” (15.3.24 – 13.10.24) Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg #mkghamburg with the designs and art related matters of the  www.edeniniraq.com project which I’m co-director with Meridel Rubenstein Mark Nelson Jassim Al-Asadi Hydar Lafta Ali Joppe Cramwinckel

2023 Autumn time... a lot of meetings to discuss on my book and my experiences

First stage completed! Proud to show pictures of the first stage realized last March 2023 in South Iraq to treat 2000 m3/d of wastewater... no more shit into the Marshland!

a slide show of the book events.... thanks to my friends to join me in this adventure and share with the public my experiences

Last 11 August 2021 I was on Iraqi TV talking with my friend Jassim Al Asadi and the local Dhi Qar Governor Ahmed Gheni Al Khafagy about our project in Iraq. With me also Thomas Smith, our new partner.


I am fuxxing proud to be awarded by @UNESCO Green Citizen for the WWG project in South Iraq. 

Take a look here  https://www.unescogreencitizens.org/projects/eden-in-iraq-wastewater-garden-project/  the official link of the UNESCO web page where you can find more information about the project. 

UNESCO GREEN CITIZENS serves as an open window and an incubator for actors of change worldwide who are leading innovative, impactful and duplicable solution-based projects in one of these five areas. The selected projects showcased on the UNESCO Green Citizens platform are looking for support from people (like you!) who wish to get involved.

The map below show where the UGC projects are located (the red circle is Iraq).


I am ready to join my friends and talk about my experience on aquaponics and innovative farming solutions

during my professional and school carrer I have had the opportunity to work on eight to the seventeen SDGs listed by UN.

Take a look at the official UN web page about SDGs:

17 Goals to Transform Our World

The Sustainable Development Goals are a call for action by all countries – poor, rich and middle-income – to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 4: Obtaining a quality education  

Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

Goal 8:Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts 

Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

here the States where I done something during my professional activities, both for farming and for treatment wetlands.

Picture in NL Wageningen University with the partecipants at the Forum "Agri - Water sectors in Iraq", organized by the Iraqi Embassy in NL-The Hague, June 2019, where I had a talk about the Project "New Eden in Iraq" about wastewater treatment in the Marshland with my best Iraqi friend Eng. Jassim Al Asadi.

I am really proud to be in the opening  room of the "Eden in Iraq" exibition in Singapore with part of the text of mine article.

more info at the following link:


The Eden in Iraq Project joins environmental art, design, and engineering to create waste and water remediation solution, linking Singapore to the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia and Iraq to the New Silk Road.  (source Meridel Rubenstein)

one more certificate to fix on my wall.... but I am sorry because I like climate change... warm winter allow me to go to work by bike and to make more hike sessions in winter time. 

It seemed impossible, but I did it. 

I resist for six weeks to follow this United Nations and FAO course about climate change adaption in agricolture.  

Climate change is a significant “hunger-risk multiplier” and a fundamental threat to global food security. Without adaptation to climate change in agriculture sectors, it will not be possible to achieve food security for all and eradicate hunger, malnutrition and poverty. 

What a wonderful experience in Geneve (21-24 August 2018) to understand and apply the Living Lab approach (from Wikipedia: A living lab is a research concept. A living lab is a user-centered, open innovation ecosystem, often operating in a territorial context, e.g. city, agglomeration, region, integrating concurrent research and innovation processes within a public-private-people partnership. (Left: me in the plenary session, Right: the UN General Director which gave the opening speech)